Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Little Pick Me Up

Today Braeden and I picked out some flowers for his teacher.
Yesterday she found out if she gets to keep her job next year.
If there's one thing we know in this house it's how stressful having an insecure job is.
She also opened up at our parent teacher conference and told us that one of her best friends fiance had been killed 2 weeks before the wedding.
And to top it off her assistant has been sick so she has been doing two peoples jobs for the last few weeks.
So with the funeral on Monday and finding out about her job on Tuesday I thought she might need something to help her get through Wednesday.
This is what I came up with.
I got the cute little tag from
There are some super cute printables there.
So I challenge you to look around and see who could use a pick me up from you.

*On a side note, don't judge my photography yet.  I'm still trying to learn how to use my camera off auto:)

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