Thursday, December 1, 2011

First Snow of the Season = First Snow Day!

On Tuesday it started snowing.
And snowing.
And snowing.
Mason and Ava were so excited and they stared out the window most of the day.
It was so cute watching Mason in complete awe of the change that was happening outside.
I can just imagine what that little mind of his was thinking.

Then when Braeden got home he got started making snowballs right away.
And you can't make a snowball without throwing it!
So he took aim at his sister who was watching him through the window.

 On Wednesday we woke up to school being cancelled and daddy being sick.
What a fun combination!
So to try and keep the kids from begging and whining about wanting to go outside for just a little while I decided to make some peanut butter clay.
It's super easy and just 3 ingredients.

Peanut Butter Clay

Mix 1 Cup of Peanut Butter with 1/2 Cup of Honey. Add 1 Cup of Powdered milk. Gradually add more until no longer sticky but not too much or it will get crumbly. Then break out the cookie cutters and have fun!

 My kids will play for hours with clay or play doh
and that's just what they did.
(And yes we stay in our jammies all day on snow days)
Then of course you can't have the first snowfall without getting out there and playing in it!
So I bundled them up and sent them out to burn off some stuck in the house energy.

I must admit that I think I like snow days more then the kids do.
We have a whole day to stay at home and work on fun things, and play games.

And tonight we start our 24 days of Christmas.
I still have to get the calendar set up but we'll be ready.
We are also doing a special service activity that we will be starting soon.
More to come on that in the near future.
Have a Happy first day of December!

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