Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Photography Giveaway

This is a post for my photography.
I don't have a photography page yet so I'm going to use this since Facebook won't let you do giveaways on there anymore.
At least that's what I've heard.

Ok so it's almost Christmas and I've been thinking about doing a giveaway.
 I've been trying to get across to my kids the real meaning of Christmas and that it's important to give as Christ gave.
And I decided I really need to stop talking about it and do something myself!
So I am giving away a 1 hour photo shoot to use anytime next year.
But in the theme of giving I want you to nominate someone you think deserves it.
 Just leave a comment telling me who you want to get the shoot and why.
You have until December 23rd at 9pm to enter and the winner will be announced on Christmas Eve.
So take a minute to think about who you think would really appreciate some photos.

Fine Print :)
The person needs to be in the Huntington/Fort Wayne, IN area
You can nominate as many people as you like who are not in your household.
Oh and while you're here go ahead and follow my blog. It's not required but it's fun!


  1. I would like to nominate my Mom and Dad. My parents have been there for me through thick and thin and have done so much for me and my sisters. They never expect anything for themselves and are always willing to give the shirt off of their back. They are raising two of my nephews in this their "empty nest" years. They are truly amazing people and I would love for them to have this gift of nice photos for just them. I don't think they have had that done in many many years!

  2. P.S. what a great idea!!

  3. I nominate my children - because I never take them anywhere or to anyone to get their pictures taken, so their entire history will be seen only through their mommy's eye. It would be nice to get someone else's perspective! And I would LOVE to see and visit with Jen Christiansen!!!

  4. I would like to nominate one of the greatest friends I have. She is one of the most loving, caring, and generous friend I have the privilege to know. She was one of the first to come and visit me when I moved across the country. She has always been there for me when I needed a break from reality, and always offers up the best advice. She has a gorgeous family, and I am blessed to be the Godmother to her beautiful daughter. She is a supermom (holding down a full time job, going to school full time, and being the best mommy and friend ever) and a super friend, and I know she deserves this. Thank you for the opportunity to nominate and your generous spirit this Holiday Season. I hope your family has the most wonderful Christmas, and know you are setting a great example for your children! Merry Christmas :) Liz

  5. I would like to nominate my parents. My little brother is getting married in May and it will be the first time for us ALL to be together in 8 years. We have added MANY grandchildren for them that are unpictured. My parents are the kind who'll do anything for anyone but not ask much in return. It'd be nice to give them some awesome/professional pics of all of our family. They usually just do a random pic and hang it up, but how nice to have a professional eye to help out :) (They live in Peru area, so if that is too far, and they win, I'd be willing to pay you gas if that is okay.) You are awesome and inspiring Jen!!

  6. I nominate JoAnne and Judd Case. I think they would love to get a good family photo from you. Hope they win. I love the Case's.

  7. I nominate the Bullocks. They are cool and would enjoy some family photos, though at the rate they are going the photos could be outdated in about 12 months as more kids are added.


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