Monday, July 18, 2011

My Obsession (well one of them)

I have a few obsessions.
If I weren't so cheap I would probably have a few more.
Around this time of year I get so excited about the amazing sales on school supplies.
I'm not really sure why I get all warm and fuzzy when I open a box of new crayons
but I do and have since I was little.
As much as I hated going back to school I loved buying my supplies.
I think maybe it's because it's one time you get to start fresh.
It's not very often that you get to go into something with new everything.
I'm not even going to school but I'm still just as excited to get my kids stuff and refresh their craft supplies.
So out with the old
And in with the new.
So what's one of your obsessions??


  1. One of my obsessions is reading! I constantly have 1-2 books with me at all times because you never know when you will have a chance to pick up a book and read. I love all kinds of books and its just a great way to escape from the everyday grind!

  2. I really wish I was more of a reader. Part of my problem is finding good books. Do you have any suggestions?

  3. I love Harlan Coben (more mystery). One thing I love about his books is that they have short chapters so its easy to read a little at a time! I just finished his book "Caught" and LOVED IT!! I also love Sue Grafton (she does the A-Z series, also mystery). I also love Nora Roberts (romance). Another favorite of mine is Kristen Hannah, she does more family oriented heartwarmers.

  4. I guess I'll have to go to the other side of the library and visit the big people books!


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