Monday, January 16, 2012

Hair Bow Holder

I'm really hoping that I can get through this post without falling asleep or my arms falling off.
I recently decided that I really need to get my butt back and shape and today was day one.
I forgot how good it feels to work up a good burn.
I didn't forget how horrible it feels when you can't more the next day or in my case an hour after your done!
I think we'll be doing Subway for dinner tonight.
Well if my arms will hold Mason long enough for me to order! Ha!
Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
Especially since day 2 is always the worst.

Anyway on to the real post.
I've been wanting to make Ava a hair bow holder for forever but what I really want to do requires taking on some things I've never done before.
So this weekend I finally broke down and made one that's a little more simple then what I want to do.
Maybe this summer I'll try the other one.

This is really simple and I'm sure you've seen them around but it really is perfect for all those cutie patootie hair bows.

First you need a picture frame.
Take out the glass and do whatever with it.
I really need to come up with something to do with all the glass from picture frames I don't use.
You can buy it the color you want or if you're using a old one break out the spray paint.
After you have it the color you want screw in some cup hooks along the bottom of the frame.
Sorry I didn't take pictures of this part.
Ava doesn't wear a lot of headbands because she's like me and can't keep them in so we only put 4 hooks along the bottom.
Just make sure you measure so they are the same distance apart.
After that's done this is what it should look like.

Now flip it over and decide how many strips of ribbon you want to do.
Measure it out and mark it.
Take a staple gun and staple down the ribbon.

Once you get them all stapled down on both sides you can be done.

Or you can add a little something.
Ava helped me decide what to decorate it with and this is what we came up with.

Just a little something.
You don't really need to do a lot because the hair bows do quite a bit of decorating.

So stinkin cute and super useful.
Now to find the rest of her bows...humm
Don't mind the crazy nakey that jumped in the picture.


  1. Good luck with the workouts. Steven and I are trying to eat better and that is a HUGE challenge for us too!!

    1. We are trying to eat a little better too. I think having fresh fruits and veggies on hand is key. If I find any yummy healthy recipies I'll make sure to share them with you. Good Luck!


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